Postgraduate students from the CE department awarded Scholarship to Study in Lakehead University, Canada 2023
Two postgraduate students of the Civil Engineering department of MIST have been awarded the Study in Canada Scholarship, SICS 2023-24, affiliated with the student exchange program at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada. Tasnia Ahmed from the M.Sc. program and Col Tarik Hassan from the PhD program will be enrolled in the LU as visiting research students for six (6) months starting from August 2023. Tasnia Ahmed will do research on the project titled “The Durability of Waste Materials in Concrete and Optimized with Fibers at Elevated Temperature”, and the research project title of Col Tarik will be “Development of Flexible Car Following and Lane Changing Models for Heterogeneous Traffic and Weak Lane-Discipline Conditions”. This research will be a part of both the students’ postgraduate thesis. MIST is planning to extend this type of collaboration program with other countries.