MIST Applications

Department of Petroleum & Mining Engineering (PME)

"Online Quiz Competition from Scientific Publications" arranged by Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

"Online Quiz Competition from Scientific Publications" arranged by Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

An online " Quiz competition from scientific publications" will be organized by the Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Department on 07th November 2020.

The contest aims to test the understanding of scientific publications.

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Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Email: head@pme.mist.ac.bd (Dept Head), gso2@pme.mist.ac.bd (GSO-2), pmemist16@gmail.com (office)
Phone : +880-1769024020 (Dept. Head) +880-1769024022 (GSO-2)